Funds from the Anita Weaver Grant have been designated to help homeless indigent seniors.
This is a two year grant of $15,000 in the first year, and if successfully completed, $ 7,500 for the second year. This grant provides an opportunity to develop a longer term program in collaboration with other congregations and/or city or county resources.
Currently the Arcata House Partnership Collaboration with St. Alban’s Church, Arcata is the grant recipient. They provide a safe warm alternative housing program designed to help people get off the streets. Most of their clients are seniors.
Grant applications will be due by January 15, 2019, and the grant award will be announced by February 1st. We are excited about this special opportunity and look forward to hearing from interested parties.
Your servants in Christ,
The Rev. Lucretia Jevne / President, Board of Episcopal Community Services
Gregg Wickham / President, The Episcopal Foundation of Northern California